Nickel /vendors/vendorImages nickel.jpg
Energy Efficient
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Damp Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Damp Rated
Energy Efficient
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Special Features:
Features a sleek and slim appearance inspired by architectural design;The glass shade is illuminated on both the bottom and sides to provide a pleasing lighted effect;Fits seamlessly within Modern, Traditional and Transitional interiors;Sophisticated Brus
Americans with Disabilities Act:
Can be Mounted Up or Down:
Convertible Fixture Includes Both Mounts:
Dimming Compatability:
Lutron - NTEVL-300;Lutron - DVELV-300P;Lutron - Caseta Wireless;Leviton – 6672;Leviton – 6674;Lutron - AYCL-153P;Lutron - AYLV-600P;Lutron - MAELV-601;Leviton - AWRMG-EAW
Dimming Protocol:
Triac/Forward Phase or ELV/Reverse Phase
Glass Dimensions:
Depth: 15.31, Height: 3.81, Width: 15.31
Long Description:
Features a sleek and slim appearance inspired by architectural design;The glass shade is illuminated on both the bottom and sides to provide a pleasing lighted effect;Fits seamlessly within Modern, Traditional and Transitional interiors;Sophisticated Brus
Proposition 65 Reproductive Harm:
Proposition 65 Warning Required?:
Room Type:
Bedroom;Hall & Foyer;Sitting Room;Kitchen;Closets;Pantry;Bathroom
Short Description:
Bezel LED One-Light 16" LED Flush Mount with Etched White glass
Starting Temperature - Minimum:
Weight of Fixture Exceeds NEC Limits:
Manufactured By:
Progress Lighting
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