Bronze /vendors/vendorImages bronze.jpg
Damp Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Damp Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Special Features:
Led Puck Conductor Cable;Cable Accessory For Use In Lamp Wiring With Led Puck Light P700005;Spt-2 50' Wire;18 Awg Antique Bronze Wire;Add A Light To The Hard-To-See Places;Perfect For Providing Undercabinet Lighting In Your Kitchen, Home Office, Or St
Americans with Disabilities Act:
Can be Mounted Up or Down:
Convertible Fixture Includes Both Mounts:
Grounded Convenience Outlet included:
Long Description:
LED puck conductor cable;Cable accessory for use in lamp wiring with LED Puck Light P700005;SPT-2 50' wire;18 AWG Antique Bronze wire;Add a light to the hard-to-see places;Perfect for providing undercabinet lighting in your kitchen, home office, or st
Proposition 65 Reproductive Harm:
Proposition 65 Warning Required?:
Manufactured By:
Progress Lighting
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