Part Number: SACG2K-10 / Vendor ID Number: 4213 / Custom:
SelectCycler™ System

SelectCycler™ System
by Panasonic

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Technical Details
Extra Data:
LONG LIFE, GUARANTEED: Panasonic ventilation fans, switches, modules, and accessories are high-quality and built to last. Included 3-year limited warranty.
LOW-COST STRATEGY: Two operational modes work to help a home achieve the lowest cost per HERS point for either supply or balanced ventilation strategies.
WALL-MOUNTED CONTROL: Programmable Wall-Mounted Controller coordinates between Central HVAC system, dampers, and WhisperGreen Select fans through a patented algorithm that calculates optimum operation time and cycles.
WHOLE HOUSE VENTILATION: Provides whole house ventilation control that''s integrated into the home''s Central HVAC system.
Plumbing Category:
Heating And Ventilation
Plumbing Subcategory:
Ventilation Systems
CODE COMPLIANT: WhisperGreen Select fans are ENERGY STAR certified and comply with ASHRAE 62.2, LEED, CALGreen, California Title 24, Washington VIAQ codes and standards. SelectCycler works to optimize airflow within these standards.
Whole House Ventilation Kit: wall mount controller, motorized supply damper with 10'' duct and fan/light wall switch, white, wall plate Not included.
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